Samstag, 7. September 2013


Ich habe mich erst um dich bemüht und dann um dich gekämpft. Alles was du getan hast, war dich für die sicherste aller Möglichkeiten zu entscheiden und deinen Exfreund zu nehmen, sobald er aufgetaucht ist.
Oh, und eins noch, wenn wir schon dabei sind. So einen Brief haben bisher nur besondere Menschen in meinem Leben bekommen. Ich bin mir nicht mehr sicher, ob ich ihn dir hätte schreiben dürfen.

Garden State

Sam: You don't realize, this is good, this doesn't happen often in your life. We can work this stuff out. I want to help you, you know? We need each other...

Andrew Largeman: This isn't a conversation about this being over, it's, it's... I'm not, like, putting a period at the end of this, you know, I'm putting, like, an ellipsis on it, cause I'm- I'm- I'm worried that if I don't figure myself out, if I don't go like land on my own two feet, then I'm just gonna to mess this whole thing up, and this is too important. I gotta go... you changed my life in four days. This is the beginning of something really big. But right now, I gotta go.


[Last lines]
Sam: What are you doing?

Andrew Largeman: Remember that idea I had, about working stuff out on my own, and then finding you once I worked stuff out?

Sam: The ellipsis?

Andrew Largeman: Yeah, the ellipsis, it's dumb. It's dumb. It's an awful idea. I'm not gonna do it, okay? Cause like you said, this is it. This is life. And I'm in love with you... I think that's the only thing I've ever really been sure of in my entire life. And I'm really messed up right now, and I got a whole lot of stuff I have to work out, but I don't want to waste any more of my life without you in it. And I think I can do this. I mean, I want to. I have to, right?

Sam: Yeah. Yes!

Andrew Largeman: So what do we do? What do we do?


Vielleicht ist das der beste Film - aber eben nur ein Film. Das echte verfickte Leben funktioniert so nicht.

Wenn man alles versucht hat, hat man sich nichts vorzuwerfen? Bullshit.

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